September 24, 2015

Late Night Soup Craving

Broccoli Cheese Soup Cream of Mushroom Soup Potato and Corn Chowder Cream of Asparagus Soup

{ Hover & click on image for info }

Now going into my second year of Grad School, I have learned a thing or two about the type of meals I enjoy making in order to minimize my time in the kitchen and maximize my time at school. My daily routine consist of being at school from between 10-12 hours a day. I often take a dinner break around 7-8pm. During this time I spend it either cooking, eating, showering and/or relaxing, before return to school for another three hours. I am always craving soups! Regardless if it is cold or hot outside. However, we all know that in order for a soup to be flavorful it has to simmer on the stove for hours, and I don't often have the time to babysit a pot of soup on the stove. This is reason I fell in love with crockpot cooking, especially for making soups. With a crockpot, I am able to set it and forget it. So often I would go home, load the crockpot with the ingredients for a soup and return to school. After I get back in 3-4 hours the soup is close to being done. At this time, I would add the cream (if the recipe calls for it) or add any additional spices. I'm always discovering new recipes so feel free to let me know your favorite crockpot recipes or you can check out some of my favorite recipes on Pinterest. Here are a few of the recipes I have enjoy making and I hope you do too!

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